Sunday, March 31, 2002

Well, this has been a slow birthday. Then again, they always were since I was 10 I think. List of presents include:

O Brother, Where Art Thou? video (actually got it yesturday, but mom pawned it off as my gift)
Moulin Rouge - Special Edition video with deleted scenes, interviews with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGreggor, an extended dance scene, and the MTV Live proformance of Lady Marmalade! I love my sis's gift.
Blues Brothers 2000 Soundtrack CD which I've been wanting for about half a year but never really begged for it.

I like my sister's gift better though. She knows me better than my parents, and she knew I'd love the gift she bought. Still wonder where mom and dad got the CD though. I never saw it in Tower Records, but always on for about the price any CD now costs. Oh well, they got their sources. Besides, I love the track Funky Nassau and 634-5789 (Jonny Lang ROCKS!).

One thing I'm still expecting is my mom or dad to come up to me and ask what I'm going to do with my life. They haven't yet. They said that today had to be the day, but from the looks of it, they may think that I have no clue. In truth, that's half true. I don't know what I want to do with my life in the long run, but right now I just want out of the town. I have a way; I just have to present it to them and stand my ground with all those red tape questions. In the meantime? I'm just going to take it easy.

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