Tuesday, March 19, 2002

The human body is an amazing thing.

Today, among the pain and helplessness I really didn't want to experiance, I probibly produced enough gas from farting and burping to power a small car. I made the mistake of also having my sister pick up a milkshake for me. I used it to break the feaver since I couldn't get up and get a cold towel. What I did was held the cup and used the cold transfered to my hand to my head for as long as the cup would last. When I drank it, I didn't get any better. Waves of goosebumps came and went, but the stomach pain still didn't leave. At one point, the right side of my face went to sleep.

Then came the part of the human body I just hate. I puked. I didn't know I was going to; I was just answering a call of nature. The next thing I knew, I'm throwing up in the toilet. I pretty much threw up whatever I ate today and then some of last night. Surprisingly, I'm better now.

Weird stuff...

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