Friday, March 08, 2002

Somewhere between drawing up the last emotion face for Alexia Brown and trying to figure out a name for my aged Asian Lt. Commander who will have an ill-fated death in a potential gaming idea, I started thinking about my drawing and designing skill as a career. That lead to me thinking about why I started thinking about that. What is because I'm broke and needed the money or because I want to see some of my anime characters come to life just once? Maybe it was a little of both. Yeah, there is that sense of pride one gets when they see their work in the news because of how groundbreaking it is, but I'm far from that. If anything, I'm just a geek with a weird imagination. Then again, so are the guys at Disney that make all the rides as well as the person resposible for Mario and Sonic.

My motto is this: If you like what you do, then do it for a living. Why work at something you hate when you can work at something you love?

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