Sunday, March 31, 2002

I now know why most men don't really shop for boxers untill they are secure in themselves. It's embarrasing. Well, at least these fit nicely. Kindda looser than what I wanted, but at least I'm comfy. Kinda like when I was at Dan's after trying on a pair of boxers for the first time. Still wish I had the built to pull the look off shirtless.

My God, why am I blogging this?!

I'm nineteen! My last year as a teen. Today, I also plan to tell my folks what I plan to do as stated I needed to do by my mother. She does know how to piss me off. Oh well, we'll see what happens after Easter Mass. I need to sleep now. Maybe I'll sleep in just these black Joe Boxers.

God, what's the deal with me and black underwear?

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