Sunday, March 10, 2002

This always happens. Always.

I have a good day, a really good day. A day full of laughing and having fun. The rarest of days when I don't have to worry about much of anything except what time it is. Then what happens? Like a summer storm out of no where, something bad happens when I sign on and talk to my online friends. A stupid arguement about how I'm not on as much or how I don't read IMs at a late hour when my brain is about to fry out or how I say the stupidest things at the stupidest of times. Something like that or maybe more. If I'm really lucky, maybe all three at once.

I don't expect them to be online when I am or say the right things or anything like that. I don't ask it from them. I just try to be the friend I can be given how all my friends here are all gone and off living their own lives. It's like when you call someone. Sometimes they're there, and sometimes they aren't. That's the same thing with online IMs to me. Sometimes you are on, and sometimes you aren't. At the time of day (or night even) when I'm on, I don't expect anyone to be on! Then why do I say online? Just in case. If no one comes on, that's like calling a friend up only to get the answering machine. That means they aren't there and are busy doing other things. If that's the case, cool. That's life. No one can be on when you want them to be sometimes.

So you didn't get in contact with a buddy to ask him the daily "wazup dude?". So what? Is that such a crime? I learned the hard way if you want people to talk to you, you got to not stalk them or expect them to be like a clock and come on the phone when you tell them to. People are not robotic slaves to talk to you when you need to talk to you. I had to learn that, so I'm passing it on to whoever reads this. People are humans. They get tired; they get bored; they get sudden changes of events in their plans. No one can cater to everyone's wish unless they were a genie or a maid or something hired for it.

With me, it's simple. I don't have access to a personal computer. Yeah, I have access to a computer, but this isn't mine. Look at the time stamps on some of these blogs. They are posted when no one is using the laptop. I can't use the iMac we have. Mostly cause it sucks when surfing the web, but also cause I never know when my sister may need it for a report. So, like how some people never get to the phone cause they are in the bathroom and the phone is on the other side of the room, I can't get online on my IM programs because of the fact I can't have access to a computer 24/7.

God, I wish I had room for another Volcano! desert from Rainforest Cafe. I need comfort food right now.

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