Thursday, March 07, 2002

A dream of church run by Billy Grahm and full of redneck hillbillies armed with nothing but an acustic guitar?! FOR AN AFTERNOON NAP?!?!?! This is the last time I ever take a nap without a full and hearty Breakfast and Lunch in my stomach!

In other news
: "My" toilet's tank pump went ka-poot. Great, so I can't do number 1 AND number 2. The pluming here really needs to be replaced. Commercial building isn't solid anymore. Maybe that's why I wanted this dream house that had to be built a certian way so that there are no flaws whatsoever.

I am thinking about sharing this blog with those that want to know me. That's the main goal at least. I already have literally a family of friends that want to read it. I dunno, I'm scared they may hate me after I show them this. I don't really go with the mainstream let alone with the flow here like I do outside of the computer screen. I'm so against the grain it's not even funny. In fact, some of my opinions and ranting have been known to chase away several friends online. More so that I do in real life. The only difference is that they can hear the passion and emotion in my voice and see my body language. Not online. Wish I had a web cam to fix that. Oh wait, I don't have my own computer. Duh. Anyway, I told one of the many that want to know me better that this blog is alot like a diary, very personal. Some people may not agree with it and then there are some that read it and think I'm some nutjob about to open a second Heaven's Gate. Then there are those that may think of this blog as humorous. My humor is like that of MTV's Daria, very sarcastic yet smart sometimes. I doubt any of that has reveal itself here yet. Then again, what do I know? I'm just trying to get people to understand me. How do I do that? Well, that may be the reason for this blog. In fact, I hope it's what comes out of this blog.

Since Daria is no longer being shown, I'll close this post with an example of her humor:

"I gave you all D's on your papers because you kept refering to Romeo as Leo. However, I did give you extra credit for realizing that the movie and the book are connected."

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