Tuesday, March 05, 2002

I did some thinking. Apolo Ohno fasinated me during the Olympics. His sport and pretty much his aura was like a flame I couldn't take my eyes off of. I must have been a moth in a previous life. When the Olympics ended, I didn't watch much TV nor cared to watch all the late night and prime time interviews with Tristian Gale and Derrek Para and the Canadian Ice Dancing pair that cause such a news buzz (damn French judge).

My aunt on the other hand is not like that. She wanted to hear what they had to say about the Olympics from the athleates point of view. That's how most of those interviews go. Last night when she came home from work, she said that on her tape of shows she watches she got a program from the other night (I think it was NiteLine) where they showed Ohno breakdancing on MTV and an interview with Stone Phillips. She sounded enthusiastic about it, mostly on how funny some of his answers where. I tried not to pay attention, but when she said that he can breakdance? I just was amazed. He's a true Seattle party kid, I guess. Maybe that's what drew me to him in the first place. Then again, it could be that "Soul Patch" of his. I'll never know.

In other news: I'm staying away from cereals for a while too. The new Wheaties and Frosted Flakes boxes have been revealed with various Olympians on it. Hey, I have nothing agianst their faces being used for advertisement and monitary gain. I don't like it, but if they have to do it to sell a product like how movies now have to show two teenagers having sex just to get tickets, who am I to stop them? I'm just not going to buy it. I can't buy it anyway; I have no money.

Watch my aunt come home with a cereal box with Apolo on it... or at least the Sara Hughes Wheaties one.

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