Sunday, March 17, 2002

Damn, missed a day of blogging. Oh well. Nothing really worth blogging about yesturday.

All I did was spend the time tagging along with my sister to do some DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) machine hunting. At least I saw the third mix machine at Hickory Hallow. I'm also a bit upset that my card at Jillian's went broke faster cause of how much they increased the points used for that game. I hope I have a birthday party there. Infinate points on games for that night! Well, after getting broke, I talked to some people that knew I played cause they come out there alot and found out that Hickory Hallow is doing a DDR TouriMIX. One phrase says it all. THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE DOING!

Follow that up with a late night power outage and that's all yesturday.

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