Thursday, February 05, 2004

What did I do?

I'm starting to feel that morning regret. You know, the kind that you feel when you've had a wild night out the night before with all your friends complete with wild sex with a total stranger (not that I have had that experience yet, mind you. I'm still rather a social clam.)?

What am I regretting getting into? Well, I just realized that with the addition of this outside project (even thought he just wants to see my work and not really hire me for anything as of yet) I have added to my workload, which is already full to begin with. I have those two 3-D objects to make out of foam board, a report on the Aztec's use of color, I finished my Art History Final Project proposal and the three points I need to turn in next class, and I need to get down to the First Center to view the show down there for three of my classes.

On paper, it doesn't seem that hard, but when you think about how much time each will take, I'll be extremely happy if I can find a balance of some kind.

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