Friday, February 20, 2004

I hate my 3-D assignment.

No, I mean I really HATE my 3-D assignment. Ever since the first step, it's been nothing but hell for me.

And the hell continues today.

After spending seven hours on it, I decided that it was time for me to start spray painting it. I go outside to the back deck, already white, to spray paint the tape and foam board so that there wouldn't be a glare. All was going well until I had to get to the bottom part of the piece. That's when I noticed that air was coming out, but paint wasn't. I shook the can for what felt like forever. Again, nothing but air. I checked the labels and writing. It said that it can easily cover an area of 25 sq. feet. I looked at my project knowing that the surface area of it could not be more than that. Apparently, my stupidity in thinking this made me try the damn can again. Still nothing but air.

I started to panic. I still had areas where the tape had a stronger glare than the board. That would really screw up my shots that I need to take of it later tonight in the various lighting situations. I called my dad to see if he could pick up some spray paint on the way home while I waited for this to dry. He didn't cooperate. I honestly didn't expect him to, but it would have been nice of him. My emotions took over once I got a round-about no out of him. I hung up and became even more panicked than I was before I called. Not knowing what else to do, I figured the best I could hope for is to use the fixative to kill the glare difference between the tape and the board.

While I did achieve my goal, the damn thing is now two different shades of white. While the majority of it is still the same color of white of the spray paint, the lower fourth of it is the original color of the foam board and tape.

My project is not suppose to be two tone. It is suppose to be a flat white color. No shading differences what so ever. When I told my teacher about my concern about the glare caused by the tape, she told me that I should either spray paint it all down or not spray paint it at all.

While I like for my projects to have some kind of distortion and impurities, I don't like it when they are put to a grading scale. I really don't. Why? Because then the perfectionist inside me comes out with a vengeance, and right now, he's really pissed off at how this assignment looks.

Yes, I know that most artists never like what they produce anyway, but I'm not saying that because I'm an artist. I really hate the way this piece looks. There's nothing I can do about it now, though. I've gone through too much frustrations and anger spells to keep at it. Right now, I want to burn it.

I might as well go ahead and take the damn pictures of it. Get everything over with that way I can forget about it all.

That is, until Monday's critique.

This combined with what happened last night is not helping me emotionally. They really aren't.

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