Friday, February 06, 2004

So Much for My Friday

Okay, you know how yesterday is always my Friday night. Guess who spoiled it for me?

The over-worked girls.

When I got home, my sister was on the computer, playing games and IMing with everyone. She wasn't doing work. I ended up watching TV while I waited for a logical time to roll around when she would finish. Well, 22:00 came around, and instead of having a free computer terminal, my mom was on there typing up something. The first words out of her mouth were "You can have it tomorrow. I'm busy." While I respect the fact that, unlike my sister, she was doing work, I know for a fact that she will be over-worked before she hits the one-week mark. She was like this during her last job. Why would this new one be any kind of difference?

You know what this means, don't you?

Yes, I missed the only night that I ever have to myself when I can just do whatever I want and not worry about homework. Because of the fact that I have a full plate to do this weekend, I can pretty much kiss IMs away. I hate when I can't do anything I want to do, especially if it is because of some stupid reason like the fact we only have one computer with internet access in the entire damn house. I actually wanted to talk to James and David and whoever else was available. It's times like these I wish I had their phone number (like that will ever happen).

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