Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Going Too Big

I think I did a mistake with my art work that normally wouldn't be a mistake. At least, not in the artistic sense of the word.

My 3-D piece that I was working on got a whole lot larger. In fact, it tripled in height. The thing is though, even though it tripled in height, the actual mass of the piece is only in about one and a half foot in maximum width. This means, for you smart people out there, that what I have added on to the piece is thinner than what I started with.

Don't get me wrong with all this technical stuff! The work looks great! The only thing I do not like about it is that it has a really high risk of breaking in transit to, from, and back to school.

Why couldn't I be one of those artists that likes to work on small things that can be easily transported? Why did I have to end up being the one that not only thinks big but does things big?

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