Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I may get a job finally!

On my way out of school with a butt load of stuff (and then some), Jaime and Ken were talking to Cassy, a very cool yet hyper farm girl that I have the great pleasure of having 3-D Design with. Jaime mentioned how she saw that someone was looking for an illustrator a children's book. She saw the flyer on the bulletin board in the Liberal Arts/Meeting Room wing. She also said that she talked to the person. According to her, the guy is looking for someone that can draw in a Disney-like style.

All of these red flags went up like crazy! I had this sudden drive to get more information.

I left what I could with Jaime and Ken as they talked with Cassy some more. I raced over to the bulletin board and stole the flyer that she told me about. I think part of me had this fear that someone else would get the job. I then went back to gather my stuff and thank Jaime for the heads up. On my way out, I couldn't help but think about getting home and calling up the number. First, however, I had to get some of the homework out the way just in case.

On top of that, I had to call SOMEONE in the family and tell them the good news. I knew my mom would just throw this big celebration if she heard that I even had an opportunity, so I tried to see if she was home. Stupid me forgot that she doesn't get off work until about 18:30. I ended up telling my dad about this, and, in all honesty, his lack of enthusiasm didn't help me feel any better about this chance.

So why the hell am I blogging instead of talking to the guy right now? Well, it is like I said. I need to tell SOMEONE, so feel special.

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