Friday, February 27, 2004

My Dream Web Site

Just now, I was thinking about joining up with PrideSites and making a small and very crude looking site featuring my Austin Gordon pirated porn. You know, something to make some extra cash with secretly on the side.

The more I thought about it, however, the more I wanted to produce my dream web site.

I always wanted a website where you could explore the contents of my room. If you clicked on the computer, you were sent to this blog. If you clicked on the entertainment center, you were sent to a place where I would review all the videos and movies I own. If you clicked on my drawers, you were sent to a page where I would talk about the video games I own and play.

The highlight would be when you clicked on my trunk. You would be presented with a password prompt. If you didn't know it, you were sent to a picture of the trunk saying something along the lines of "I wonder what is inside here?" They way you would find out about the password into the trunk is to search the room. I'd have links to shelves of random stuff I have, to my laundry, to my desk. Once you found the password, then you could enter in the trunk.

Once inside, I would give anyone smart enough to find the password free downloads to various porn movies I would download. I would then call myself the Porn Pirate. Reason being because I would be distributing porn for free like a pirate, thereby making the studios loose money. The catch 22 is that the movies I would let people download, however high quality, will only be the ones that I like. Not everyone has the same taste as me. Sometimes people may want more of the same stuff that I am in to. If that is the case, well, that's why I have links here to adult sites. I don't make any money off of them, but then again, I don't really want to. I just want to distribute porn freely among the masses.

Too bad I know what kind of ramifications will happen if and when I actually do this. Oh well. I can always dream.

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