Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Imitating Art

It's kind of strange how I can access a medical site from the school library's computer involving masturbation and not get in trouble for it.

HerboLove was a site that I stumbled upon just now when I was trying to figure out if I think too much about porn, sex, or whatever. I decided to run my blog through a Google search using key little code words to search must my own site. (Maybe I should add that into the HTML of the template. I'll do that when I have more time.) It turns out I think about the perversions of sex and porn way too much. That can only conclude in my mind that I masturbate too much.

You can see where this is going, can't you?

I am going to see if I can or cannot live without pleasing myself for the next 40 days of Lent.

Yes, I saw the movie, and I actually liked it from a funny point of view, namely the parts where the main character's friends keep betting on him. Thankfully my current network of friends isn't like that or that evil.

I read some of the stuff on the site mentioned above, and I am worried about a few things other than performance (like I'm ever going to get that chance anyway). Keep in mind that I know I will never have kids, but I also want to keep my hair and what remains of my vision. No, seriously! That isn't an old-wives tale! Go to the site yourself and find out!

Oh well, at least I'm off to a good start seeing how today is the start of the 40 Days of Lent. If I can make it to midnight, I only have 39 days left to survive.

God, help me...

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