Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Feeling Naked and Tasting Blood

I left the house this morning without my house key and my special Holy relic that I usually carry with me whenever I leave my safe house. The entire time, I felt naked on my left side, particularly my left thigh near the pocket of my jeans that would normally hold the items. I tried to get over it, but I guess I got too used to the weight distribution. That's why I feel naked.

During Art History, my lip started bleeding again around where that burn was. I don't remember tasting this much blood before, especially as frequent as the wound was. I'm concluded that in order for my lips to heal my lips must stay chap for the time. Yes, I'm fully aware that this will make the bleeding worst should I yawn or yell or do something to expand my mouth causing my lips to break and peel. Yes, I know that will mean that I'll be tasting blood again. No, I am not turning into a vampire, because if I was, I would be dead right now. Well, undead, technically.

Personally, I think I'm bleeding like a geyser because I forgot my Holy relic.

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