Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Stupid Library

It's only been just a little over an hour since my last blog, and already I need to vent!


Well, let's travel back a bit, shall we? Remember when Jaime and I attended that little student forum together and filled out that little questionnaire? We mentioned that there were not books on illustration or cartooning in the library.

Well, this year, they have a few. Good right?


For my Art History 2 final, I have decided to do something that relates to cartoons. The three ideas that I have narrowed down the project to are Technology and Cartoons (the evolution of technique and tools), a brief history of animation, and a brief exploration of the various types of comic strips and cartoons (particularly in their political and social meaning if any).

Well, I can pretty much scratch the first two off the list. Apparently, neither this nor the main library has any information on cartoon tech or animation history. In fact, when I Googled in the two subjects I couldn't find in a hard copy, I ended up finding all these stupid Flash cartoon sites instead of something that had some kind of useful information! It was kind of like how my last final came up with Thanksgiving things and Christian tour companies whenever I would look up "pilgrimage."

So what did the school library have? Nothing but how-to books.

What did the main library have? Nothing but videos of cartoons, none of which explained the history of the art form.

Why do I always make things so much harder for me than they really are? Why?

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