Monday, February 09, 2004

Damn Burn

So, I'm sitting here, trying to relax between my classes thinking very little about the important things like my grades, my outside project, Leo (Ah, Leo...), and all that jazz, but I have one thing that is bothering me.

On Saturday, I was eating pizza that I cooked (one of those ready-bake frozen ones). Now, I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I like my pizza fairly hot. Like fresh from the oven. It's something I've always enjoyed and loved, especially with authentic Italian pizza.

Well, I guess you can figure out what happens next. The sauce was too runny and drippy. I ended up burning my lip as a result. When I checked up on it, I noticed that the top layer was blistering and starting to peel. I took a pair of tweezers to it and pulled the skin off. Surprisingly that didn't hurt. I then cleaned the wound up and thought that some sleep would help heal me. As a result of my rest, the burn began to scab over.

Now, scabs on your lips are not a good thing unless you are mute. The average human has to talk to someone at least once a day be it himself/herself or some telemarketer.

Every time since then, whenever I'd open my mouth, the scab would break and ooze blood just a little. It's not like this is the first time or anything, but it is the first time that there was any kind of pain from it. I think it is because of the fact that my skin and tissue under the burn is still tender and not at 100%.

And I have to do an oral report for Color!

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