Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Angry at My Own Creation

I knew this was going to happen. I just knew it!

When it got time for me to go home, I was faced with a puzzle. How to get my piece, which is bigger than the car doors will allow, into the car without bending or breaking it.

Guess what?

In its previous incarnation, it was nearly impossible to put inside the car! On top of that, two areas nearly broke in half!

I have concluded that the piece can be no higher and no wider than it is now, or else I will have a pile of broken foam board instead of an art piece.

The situation has got me so pissed off right now that I cannot even look at the piece to work on it! I should do my Color homework or even my Drawing 2 homework, but I know for a fact that I cannot because of how mad that piece makes me. It will always be there, in my room, just mocking me. I can't put it anywhere else because someone is bound to find it, find me, and then start asking me about it.

Today has been ruined by myself. Not only am I mad at myself, my anger and frustration has rubbed off onto my dad. That is NOT a good thing! Putting that in bold face just doesn't give the emphasis enough justice. It's bad enough that I have to deal with my damn piece. Dealing with an angry father is another thing, especially in an Asian family like mine.

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