Thursday, February 26, 2004


The more I think about things, the more I end up getting a few things wrong. And the funny thing is, every time I start a blog with the words "the more I think about things," I always end up being right about something.

I had to take a walk around the building because the drawing room lights that were on were too soft. They kept putting me to sleep, and when I nap, I nap for two hours at a time. Maybe more depending on stress. In any event, not wanting to wake up to see that class as started (or ended and I slept through the whole thing), I took a walk up and down various halls of this fine art college I have enrolled.

I noticed that everyone in the Fine Arts wing is leaning, more or less, to realism. Granted that these are just exercises for future skills, but none the less, I appear to be the only one with a stylized way at looking at things. No matter what the subject, no matter what the medium, I simply refuse to draw or paint something realistically.

I don't know what it is about realism that makes me not want to do it. Maybe it is because I don't think I have the skills or the time to make things real. Maybe I don't trust my eyes. Maybe I don't want to see reality.

In any event, I really do not like to produce any art that is realistic. I believe that, while impressive, that type of art has gone the way of Michelangelo. In the to ground and dead. Abstracting a form or subject is also out of the window, because then everyone starts to compare you to Picasso. In honesty, I rather have a unique style, borrowing some elements from whatever I happen to be good at. Yes, I know that doesn't mean that I'll get any better, but who cares? So what if I peak in skill! So what if I end up producing the same thing over and over again! At least I will know just by looking at it in a room that I did something that has its own unique flavor to it. That's what made all the other famous artists so great. They did something and then added their own little twist to it to make it their own unique style.

Okay, now I'm getting preachy, but you get the point.

There is more to art than drawing or painting figures realistically, and more to stylized art than drawing a woman with three eyes and one brest.

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