Sunday, February 08, 2004

My Downtown Adventure

After doing my laundry, I hitched a ride with my dad and had him drop me off at the Downtown Library. I needed to do some research on Aztec art, and that was the only place I could find it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any of the information that I wanted, so I had to make-do with what they had. I broke character and checked out a book, mostly for visual aid purposes. I'll have to make a detour one day to return it.

I decided, against my better judgment, to go down to the Frist to see the exhibit and take notes on it for my classes. Big mistake. Not only did I go late (The entire collection takes about a whole day's worth just to appreciate it!), but there were about a thousand or so people already there! There was a 45 minute wait to get in the main gallery and another 45 minute wait to get into the exhibit! One person behind me said that it felt like going to Walt Disney World! Still, I cannot complain about the lack of time I had. Of the pieces I saw, I am still in awe by them. There is just some kind of feeling you get when you see the master's work in person. It's almost spiritual, at least for me. It be that close to the works from the like of Goya and van Gogh. It's a high that I know I will never be able to get to again. That is, unless I go back, which I will have to do eventually. I was only able to get halfway through the second room of the gallery before they started to close.

The moral of the story: Never go to a major event on a weekend if you have the option to go on a weekday.

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