Thursday, February 12, 2004

Neopets Life

Just because I also shared with you guys the fact that on Zafara Day on Neopets my little Zafara got something special, I guess I should continue with it with today's special Neopets day, Lenny Day.

As you can see, I bought my little Lenny posters for his special day. In my alternate reality that I go to in order to escape this world (and believe me, doing so is really quiet healthy for your mind), my Lenny, called Punky because his name is too long, loves art. Pottery is too expensive to buy in the game, so I had to settle for Pop Art.

Yes, I consider posters to be art in real life. I mean, have you seen some of the movie posters that are out these days? Some of them are works of art!

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