Friday, January 09, 2004

Whenever guest come...

...Mom goes into mass cleaning mode.

This means two things. I have major trouble getting from my room to the main part of the house and back due to the fact that her main battlefield between the dark forces of scum and dirt is the kitchen. This also means that anything in my room could disappear if we go up there for whatever reasons that may be.

I hate whenever my mom cleans my room. Everyone thinks it is unorganized and unclean beyond reason. Yes, I'm aware that it looks like I live in a dump, but I do no care. It is like what Garfield says on my (only) poster on my wall. My room. My mess. My business. If I feel like cleaning it up, which I did yesterday just because I needed to have a couch just in case, then I'll do it. As far as I'm concerned, it's clean and organized and homely as my mom's sanatorium of a room.

People will never understand this, and I don't think they should if they can't. Call me an ass, but if you cannot live with the fact that my room is actually clean and organized to me, then you don't know me.

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