Thursday, January 01, 2004

Final James Update/Wishing for a Mac of My Own

I just talked to James just awhile ago. He had a great New Years, which is kind of to be expected, with his friend Mac.

Now, Mac is a really cool guy. He knows how to laugh at himself and knows when to get serious. He is one of those great friends that only come once in a century in my book, and there aren't that many of them around these days. Well, at least that I have encountered. What do I mean by that? Well, here is a guy that will always stand by his friends 100% even if his friend did something wrong! This is a guy that will get on his friends case if they have been doing what I have been doing for the past month. However, this is also a guy that knows how to cheer you up in a blink of an eye! This is the kind of guy that knows what makes you happy and how to serve that up on a gold plate just for you! Okay, maybe I'm giving him more credit than he deserves, but that's the kind of guy that Mac is.

James is lucky to have a friend like him by his side. He really is. Just another thing for me to be envious of.

So, what is the deal with James and I? I think it is officially a shut case. He is not my type anymore, and the two of us would never click. Is it only because of the fact he has one-too-many tattoos and one-too-many peircings in places that just freak me out? Not really. If that was the only reason, that would only prove that I am way to shallow for my own good. I learned just now when we were talking about Mac how similar we are.

Like I said before, James is lucky to have Mac as a friend. I need someone like Mac in my life that would get on my ass about things until I did them. At least in the way I hear that Mac does it. I doubt he is as forceful and annoying as my mother. Okay, maybe that is giving him too much credit, but a nice guy like him who is really loving and caring? I'm sure he can be a hard ass but sweet at the same time. It's hard to describe how I picture him. Then again, maybe I'm just fooling myself and he isn't like any of these things.

The bottom line is this. James and I are too similar. I kept hearing this little voice saying that opposites attract. While from opposite ends of the world as far as who we are and how we were brought up, we are still the same personality. I need someone that can put up with me, understand me, and ultimately be as good a person as anyone that has been able to put up with me, but on a daily basis. Someone who can be sweet and a hard ass at the same time. Someone that is really out going and loves doing things as long as they are with me. This is what I need... and this is also what I feel James needs.

What I just said was either really mature or really stupid. I don't know, you tell me which it is.

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