Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Call me... NOW!

Last night, Sam came online under James's screen name. While I didn't want to argue with him, that was rather unavoidable. He updated me on the deal with James and then asked me what I want to do about it.

I hate being asked "What do you want to do?" I never have an answer to it. Sam told me to sleep it over. I did, but no answer came when I woke up today. I was more concerned about waking up late again knowing full well school starts next week. I need to wake up earlier than 11.

Zero was online and the only one without an away message. I talked to her about last night. She said something about getting James on the phone to talk to him. I must have misunderstood her.

James signed on just as soon as she mentioned what she did. I fired off an IM demanding that he get on the phone. He didn't like the way I was pushing him. He tried to get out of it by saying that the phone was being tied up by someone and that his cell was charging. I ended up cornering him when I told him he can still make phone calls while the cell is charging. Ultimately, he signed out before I could give him my cell phone number.

This sucks. I hate this relationship, if you can even call it that, that James and I have. Ever since I've known him, it has been nothing but IMs and e-mails. I need to find out once and for all several things from him, and I want to hear them over the phone rather than read them on IMs. If even only once, I just want to be able to hear him say things and know that he means it. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. IMs just do not work in conveying emotions. You cannot see the other person's eyes to see that they are listening and actually processing what you have said like I've seen with Jaime. You can't read their body language like I do with Ken and Christina. On top of that, it is really hard to make them feel better and make them know that you care and are loving through IMs and e-mails! This is probably the greatest downfall of this relationship that James and I have.

I... We need this phone call or else nothing will work between James and I.

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