Friday, January 09, 2004

Straightening Things Out

Last night, I found a chat room that actually had a semi-intelligent conversation going on with Yahoo! Messenger. It was being hosted by this guy. Cute ain't he? Well, he's an exhibitionist, but really cool to talk to. He's really open and quite fun.

Yes, I know what happened the last time this kind of thing happened. I won't make that mistake again.

Anyway, today, we got to talk about some things. We somehow got onto the subject about our past relationships. Naturally, I left out a few important names and details. From there, we started talking about sex.

Turns out that I had sex figured out all wrong. I was brainwashed into thinking, quite by accident, I can assure you, that sex on a regular basis was a good thing. You know, that every gay man should get laid once a week if not more. Turns out after talking to this guy that is not the case. Sex is really over-rated. Yes, it's fun, but it is still over-rated.

Well, this gave me food for thought, and as I was carrying on our IMs, I kept thinking about that. I then announced to him that I've made up my mind about this matter of love.

I told him that I've given up on looking, given up on sex, and I'll let love have its way with me.

He said to make sure to tell love that your open.

I told him then that I hope love would be kinder to me this time around. He said that it hopefully will.

It is nice to know that in this day an age when I could be talking to some 50-year-old pervert, there are still nice people out there like this guy.

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