Thursday, January 08, 2004

An E-mail from His Ex-No-More

That eventfull night we were dancing haveing fun and Sam called. That set off a chain reaction. naturally Jimmy responded thinking something was wrong and only to find out it had to do with you. He was very concerned about you.

I naturally became very jelous and gave him shit for it must have been the night and the excitement and the fact that I was invited by Mac to come up, telling me he needed me and so on.

So you can understand the problems that caused. Jimmy asked me to leave because I was being critical of you and he was so confused. You told him in some very certain terms he wasn't your type and he accepted that he finally moved on. It hurt him but he did.

Previously...Mac told me the whole story he and Jimmy talked it out so in the mean time I'm flying in. Get it? on Macs invite.So the whole night we danced at the club.

Mac asked me to come back I did and Jimmy and I have been re kindling our thing so Jon I guess what I'm trying to say is leave him alone. I asked him what was really reality and what he actually wanted.

He told me that you were a fantasy. He said he loved you in all senses of the internet and you were cute back then and he said he reolized you could never look like that any more anytime soon. So you see Jon it was only a fantasy.

Jon I love him deeply and I know him I need him. Please let him go.


And so ends the drama. Hopefully.

Congratulations to James. Congratulations to Matt.

I say that with half a heart, because, quite frankly, I don't care anymore. I'm just glad this is dead and over with. Maybe now I can think about something more important than love.

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