Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Neopets + Art College = NeoCollege

I finally saw Jason today. God, he looks better than I remember! Nothing really happened as far as the signs of like and love go, so I guess I can safely say that I am no longer crush hungry. That's good. Maybe now I'll get that pleasant surprise that love is notorious for.

I suck at time managing for some reason. I thought that the two hour break I had would be enough to do my color. Boy, was I dead wrong! I ended up having to set aside an hour here at home to do the parts I didn't complete.

Drawing 2 was interesting. My teacher, Michelle, came up to me and started interviewing me about my family and stuff while I was drawing. Kind of late, but what the hell? It was a nice break from the drawing assignment that I will finish during tomorrow's two hour break.

Oh, who am I fooling? Tomorrow, I'll just do what I did today! Come my break, I'll go to the library, set up a new room in my NeoHome on Neopets, go to the cafe, and then try to do some daily assignment that I know I'll never finish. Okay, so granted it will be the classwork I was doing, but still. My mind is obviously somewhere else right now.

Why is it that I want to live in my fantasies and not my reality? I should know better than this! I know better than this! Maybe that is what makes me different, and we all know that being different is bad, especially when you are non-productive.

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