Sunday, January 11, 2004

The Leech That I Am

Well, I finally got to get online after my sister has been hogging this thing for some English paper. She wanted to get it done so she could spend all day Sunday with Michael before he goes back to college.

While I was waiting, I kept thinking about that guy I met the other day. I then noticed that I am getting dangerously attached to him, much like how I was when I first met Ken. I had to take a step back and analyze myself.

Why am I like this? What is it about people that make me latch onto them?

I am a leech. I am a moocher. I need people in order to survive. I need someone to give me attention. I need someone to spoil me. At the very least, I need someone to be around me with the knowledge that they are my friend. I need someone period to be there for me even if there is nothing to do.

It is the co-dependent side of me. The side that I want to kill but am having a hard time just getting a damn knife drawn.

I really need to find some self confidence in myself.

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