Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Art History Part Deux

Yeah, I'm on break yet again. I know, I should really quit blogging about stuff between class and worry about, say, my Art History final or my homework for tonight. (Oh, a colour inventory of my wardrobe. Fun, fun, fun.)

Speacking of Art History, yes, I have decided on my final project. A brief history on animation. Yes, I know that is a bit much, but so was my last one. Besides, animation is something that I've always loved since I was little. Now, how am I going to present what I have learned visually? Looks like this time around, I will have to perform. Yes, I may have to do a demonstration on animation. I wonder if Plaza sells animation paper.

Speaking of paper, my next class is Drawing II. I know that I have most if not all of the supplies needed, so I may not have to buy anything. I am running low on paper, however.

I have had two things on my mind in the last eight hours. First of all, I keep wondering about all these little things of mine that I do on the internet. This blog, Neopets, IM. Why do I do these things still? I have resolved that they are stress relievers. Second, I think I must have inherited my dad's gas, because all this time my bladder has been feeling like a balloon about ready to pop out of my lower abdomen.

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