Friday, January 30, 2004

Test Results

What Type of Villain are You?

You are the Despondent Villain

You aren't much of a leader, but you're an exceptional loner. Whether or not you're a villain, people are still suspicious of you. Maybe it's that weird hair-do. Or the fact that you never smile. Or that you're just so depressing. Who knows.

Does anyone need me for a movie? I can happily play this part without trying.

find your elementat

You are a Spirit Mage

Virtue: You have a keen understanding of human nature. You are slow to act and often to speak as well. Because of your observations, you have a better knowledge of motives and emotions than most people.

Vice: Although you understand others, nobody seems to understand you the same way. You feel like an ear to the world, and you often bottle your emotions inside, for fear of being misunderstood.

That is surprisingly accurate.

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at

You are the Amnesiac

One of the more popular cliches of role-playing, you are probably the victim of insecurity. You are unsure about yourself in some aspect - be it physically, mentally, or emotionally - and you constantly try to change that aspect.

You would be much happier if you could learn to love who you are, and quit trying to be someone else.

I think someone is trying to tell me something.

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