Saturday, December 06, 2003

I cannot seem to work.

I know I need to finish this drawing, but it isn't due until Thursday. I know I need to study for a test that I'm probably going to fail. I know I need to matte three drawings of mine without going to a professional.

But I cannot bring myself to work today.

The drawing. Something about it is just sapping all my creative energy out of it like a leech. But why? Is it because I subconsciously drew Andrew into the picture? Is it because the picture is of a funeral? Is it because I'm sick and tired of drawing full body figures now after doing it for so long? Maybe it is stress, but I don't ever remember stress causing me to not want to work this strong before. Maybe it is something else that I cannot figure out right away.

All I know is that I do not want to do any of my assignments.

I don't know what I want to do.

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