Thursday, December 04, 2003

Everyone Hates Me

Today, I feel really hated.

While Christina, Ken, and Jaime were talking before class, I felt as if I was an intruder rather than an acquaintance. I kept debating on if I should stay or leave. Finally, I left to stalk Jason. Couldn't find him until Creativity started. I didn't have to attend today, so I didn't. I had to take care of some finacial stuff with mom over in the business office. Never got a chance to do it since the business officer was out.

Just now, I'm convinced that Nelly, our bird, hates me. I try to get it to perch on my finger, but he just moves away. He won't even fly to my head anymore like he used to. Whenever I open his cage, he just flies away, like always. When I try to retrieve him, he just won't even come close to me. He stares at my finger and opens his beak like he is about to attack.

I wonder if cats are more loyal and sympathetic to their owner's feelings.

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