Friday, December 05, 2003

Dialogue of Anger

What are you doing here?

I came here to see you.

Why? You don't care about me!

I heard that you became a big success. Way to go.

Don't start. Just don't even try.

What do you mean?

You're being nice to me. Don't! You never were nice to me!

Come on, that's not true. I've been nice to you before.

Yeah, well, compared to what else you did to me? Come off it! All you ever did was treat me like a piece of meat. Disposable! I was nothing to you because I had nothing. Now you want to come back to me because I'm something that you couldn't see in me before. How low can you get? Huh? I mean, really, are people only people to you when they have a six figure bank account?

Where is all this coming from?

This is all because of you! You made me this way! You made me what I am! It is all your fault that I think the only thing that matters in a relationship is sex and how well you perform in bed! It is because of you that I am convinced that I will never fit in in this world! It is because of you that I will never be able to forget what it is I had and what it was I lost! Every-fucking-day it sits there, mocking me. That scar you put on my mind.


Shut up! Just shut up! I've heard enough from you! I don't want to hear any more! I left because I knew that you would never understand me! I left because I knew that our two worlds never would have seen eye to eye. I should have left sooner. I should have left all of you a long time ago. But no. Do you know why I stuck around?

Because you wanted to get with us, right?

No! God, I can't believe you still think that I am that shallow! What is the deal with you? This only proves that you do not and will not every know me! I stuck around because I thought that just maybe, just maybe, I could do the impossible and actually be able to break the stereotypes that you and everyone else in this damn world, including myself, have established! I was hoping to change the way that people like you thought of people like me. But what would you understand? You couldn't even understand me and why I act the way I do. All you ever did was just blame me for your own insecurities, your own faults, and your own... ignorance. That's all you ever did to me. And then what do you try and do? You try to take it all back by ripping a page out of my book, saying your sorry because that's the only thing you know how to do, the only thing you can do whenever you screw up! Well, listen up, and listen good, fucker! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! What you did to me just proves that you are nothing more but a snob! A snot! A compete and utter piece of trash! Compared to you, yeah, on the face of it you are better than me, but you know something? I'm better than you will ever be. I will always be better. I don't treat people like they are expendable. I do not treat people like they are not even people. I give them second chances, third chances, one hundred chances!! I give and I endure, and that makes me better than you will ever be!

Now, just wait a damn minute...

I thought I told you to shut the fuck up! That's all you ever do! You always interrupt me! You always try and make me the bad guy! You always make me feel stupid! The only reason you succeed is because I actually listen to you. Now you listen to me for once! What I'm saying is all true! Go ahead and deny it! Go ahead and twist the truth so that you can come out on top! Go on! You're good at that! Just go right ahead! Twist every single damn word that I have spat out at you, you little fucker! If you want to sue me, I invite it! Go right a-damn-head! That's how you solve all your problems, isn't it? That's how you handle anything and everything that irks you, right?

At least I don't run away from my problems!

What the fuck do you know about not running away? That's all you ever do!

But you left us!

And I should have left you a long time ago! You're nothing to me anymore! You're just some shallow, greedy, know-it-all that doesn't know shit from crap!

At least you finally grew some balls...

That's another thing. You kept calling me a pussy. Well, I said this to you once, and I'll say it again. I rather be a pussy than a dick like yourself.

Now that's uncalled for.

You don't even know the meaning of the phrase. Now get out of my sight. I don't want to see you ever again. I don't want to even remember you. If you died tomorrow, I'd piss on your grave. I have no love lost for you. Know why? Because I know how you really are. I know the truth now. I should have seen it sooner. It took me this damn long to see it, and for that I can only blame myself. And to think I thought so highly of you. Now, I won't ask you again. Get out!

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