Friday, April 19, 2002

You know, I really should change that iMood thing to bored, but honestly, that would be a waste of time. No, I'm not being lazy. It's just every time I get bored, I get anxious about the trip out to Seattle! Yes, there have been some minor changes here and there, most of which are my fault anyways, but when I start thinking about the boys and Dan and the gang and what I'll be doing there and how I'll finally be able to fine a life for me (seeing how I can't seem to find one here), I get excited. I just want to get away from here.

Yeah, even though my parents aren't here, I still can't go anywhere. At least I can do whatever I want and no one will complain... with some limitations. Unfortunately, come Sunday, they will be back. Oh well, little sweet things taste better in moderation or whatever they say.

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