Sunday, April 14, 2002

After doing some fighting for space, I got to sleep just around lunch time. About two hours later and I still feel like nothing is right. Hell, I had a dream that had commercials!! I woke up sweating and in a funky position. I dunno, maybe I'm taking this way too hard. Then again, I always did when it involved people I like.

My life sucks. You try your best, and you get slamed for it. All my faults seem to be the result of not acting fast or not knowing how to react right or for that matter overreacting. I say something wrong, I don't shut up, I overdo something, I react the way they don't want me to.

I'm not cut out to be James's friend.
I'm not cut out to be Bill's friend.

And at the rate that I'm going, I'm not cut out to be Andrew's boyfriend! Why Aaron thinks so highly of me, if he still does, is beyound me. Dan loves me cause he is the only one of the gang that has met me and knows what I'm like around people. I think Josh is starting to warm up to me, but I don't know how long that will last given the unwanted talent I have to piss people off.

I want someone to prove me wrong. Someone always proves me wrong about everything that isn't written down in a text book. I want someone to tell me that I'm worth something to them.

I want one of the boys to say that to me.

I'm starting to wish I had a Gameboy. I need my drug known as a video game. Music isn't helping me get out of this. Blogging is helping a little, but not much. God, why do I put so much importance into being happy all the time?!

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