Sunday, April 07, 2002

You know, I must be a bit braindead right now. Not only do I not know how to end my stupid game idea, seeing how I put some cheesey cutscene into the script to maybe delay the last mission some, but I don't know how to even drop another hint to my oh-so-meaningful-yet-able-to-piss-me-off-with-a-English-misunderstanding-due-to-the-fact-she-talks-in-pronouns mother that I want out of here!! Geez, I'm 19 for crying out load. What's her mindset?

"You don't know where to go to school or have a job, so where are you moving to? When you know where you are going or have a job, then you can leave."

I know I'm suppose to respect her, but DAMN I so want to strangle her neck. This isn't the Philippines! I don't have to establish myself just to get out of the country. All I need here is a dream and some kind of ambision. I don't see why money is so god damn important. OOOOoooo, so it gets you shit. So it can buy me a place to live. Just so you know, a homeless person here built himself a two story house out of drift wood. Now tell me again that money is important, you lazy rich bitch. People can be self sufficant. I mean, that's how we did it back in the day when there was a 5 and dime. Surplus of everything thanks to those that knew how to man the land. Now everything has to be run by monitary gain making skill unimportant. If you have a degree, you get a job, cause they think you have the skill. Call me ignorant, but that's how it appeared to me. I applaud those with the skills to get them in the 1% that is so accredited that even the best in their field look up to them no matter how young.

I just hate the fact it takes money to run things. I wish this was the land of the free instead of the land of free oppurtunity. Oppurtunity can only get you so far. It's that ungodly need for money that makes you go further. If that's the case, I rather be a drifter back in the days of the Gold Rush. Then again, I kind of am a drifter. Ever see me walk around the mall?

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