Monday, April 22, 2002

Sometimes I feel like I should have never learned how to talk. I feel like I do most of my communicating better through blogging or writing. Talking just gets in the way. I never could figure out how to do it properly to where I could tell the other person who may or may not have a clue about me what is in my head. Verbally that's impossible!

I guess it's a good thing that I'm using this computer only for online gaming and blogging. Porn hunting got boring suddenly. I think it was the whole denial of access unless you paid. Oh well, whatever. Money makes the world go round, unfortunately. Personally, If I had the power, I'd turn back the clock to the cavemen economics. No precious metals, no cash, no coins, no any kind of money! Just old fashion trading. My shirt for your shoes. Those with skill would trive. But what do I know, right? I'm just a gamer playing off free servers off someone else's computer and someone else's online connection. The poorest of the moochers if you will.

Good thing Blogger is free.

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