Saturday, April 06, 2002

Well, score one for me. Day Three of having a bad inner thigh and I did pretty well on DDR in OpryMills as my mother was at Gibson's Guitar showing her fellow APA members where she want's to hold the payroll confress at.

I still wish they had at least the DDR USA mix instead of the dumb DDR US 1. More songs and a Beginners Mode for all the kids that have no clue what they are doing. And lower the price, maybe. I'm not complaining about it much. I still have 11,990 points left on my Player Card for Jillian's, so that should last me a few more games.

Meanwhile, in Hickory Hollow, I'm just wondering if that tourniment is ever going to get off the ground. Frankly, I don't think it will. The person running it has no clue how to run it. Oh, if only I had the connections Josh has. I'd fix that tourni up so fast, it will do the mall some justice in both business and promotion quality.

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