Tuesday, April 09, 2002

From Michio Kaku Online : Black Holes, Worm Holes and the 10th Dimension:

"Jane" is left at an orphanage as a foundling. When "Jane" is a teenager, she falls in love with a drifter, who abandons her but leaves her pregnant. Then disaster strikes. She almost dies giving birth to a baby girl, who is then mysteriously kidnapped. The doctors find that Jane is bleeding badly, but, oddly enough, has both sex organs. So, to save her life, the doctors convert "Jane" to "Jim."

"Jim" subsequently becomes a roaring drunk, until he meets a friendly bartender (actually a time traveler in disguise) who wisks "Jim" back way into the past. "Jim" meets a beautiful teenage girl, accidentally gets her pregnant with a baby girl. Out of guilt, he kidnaps the baby girl and drops her off at the orphanage. Later, "Jim" joins the time travelers corps, leads a distinguished life, and has one last dream: to disguise himself as a bartender to meet a certain drunk named "Jim" in the past. Question: who is "Jane's" mother, father, brother, sister, grand- father, grandmother, and grandchild?

Okay, he lost me here. Still, Dr. Kaku is very interesting to listen to. Science fiction turning into science fact. Still, he's got a point. With time travel, we can really mess up alot of chronological events causing the universe to litterally collapse because of something that should have happened but never did for some reason. And the questions of who and why and how come would be almost as infinate as the questions of life are right now. Yes, some are getting answered as we speack, but even more are poping up the more we answer them. Will we ever obtain a status where we have learned into infinaty? I don't think our brains are cabible of that, do you?

Wait, why am I so interested in this weird shit?!

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