Monday, April 08, 2002

Laundry Day!

Actually, I have no SET Laundry Day like most should. I just do it when I run out of clothes to wear.

I talked to Dan last night. He and I orginized a way to get me out of here and hopefully make everyone happy. He's a smooth talker, and I miss his company alot. The feeling is mututal. Both he and I are in situations we don't really like for one reason or another. To get out of them and to be back in a place we can both feel comfortible in is like a dream come true. Hopefully he will, once again, sell the idea to my folks, and they will follow like fish. Hook, line, and sinker.

In other news: I got to IM DJ 8Ball!! And I learned he's 30. He doesn't look it, but it's cool to see someone older than me look good on DDR... and being of the club scene apparently helps his style, even if it is a bit barrowed. Groovy. And the best part is he is part Filipino! Finally! Someone of my race! All the Filipinos I know here are mostly my mom's friends. It's nice to meet someone both of my ethic background and on the grounds in which we have a common interest. I think I'm begining to see that social asspect that DDR brings now....

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