Monday, May 27, 2002

Ok, tell me something. Is this the way it is suppose to be?

I feel as if no one is listening to me or that people don't think I listen to them. Either I get what I want or I don't get what I want. I deserve better but I don't get better. What is the deal? Why do people say I can and then say I can't?

I don't know, maybe it's this anger building up again. I feel like the boiling point may have been lowered or something. In any case, everything so far that has happened in the last few hours has made me angry. All this just because I wanted to see a picture of James smiling.

At this point I could live without the pictures I asked for. They can't substitute for the real person anyway. Pictures only give you the idea of what someone looks like in a 2D kind of world. The real joy is in actually seeing them. The whole 3D experiance is better. There you can actually see the person, know how tall they really are, how big they are, how cute they are from all angles. Try doing that with a picture, and the best you can come up with I bet will be one of those head shots that most actors have.

All in all, I feel like I've been used as some sick form of entertainment. I don't like the concept that a friend whom I trusted would do something like this to me. Frame me. I really don't appreciate that. And what's worst, he did it in the name of fun! His way of saying that I'm his friend now. You don't do that to people that are your friends. That's just wrong on so many levels. How can someone do that and think that it is ok for them to do that? And once more, how can that same person think of it as fun? You don't treat friends like they are toys. You treat friends like friends.

What's the point in blogging? No one will listen. I doubt anyone is even reading this and finding it interesting.

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