Tuesday, May 07, 2002

For the first time since finding DigiPen, I am not thinking about my application that much. Hell, I'm not expecting to get in anyway.

This morning I had a little playful fantasy based on something I found out last night resulting in a nice dream.

Then, for some reason, I ended up watching Little House. I have to admit, I feel really bad that even back then when that was filmed, the boys looked so much better than me. That Native American boy that they had looked more Latino to me. What do I know anyway? It's just Hollywood. Still, some of the boys there were cute. The episode in itself I liked as well. Good content about how descrimination is still around even when you don't think it is and how you have to sometimes accept what you don't like.

If you can't like God's creation, well, you got problems then.

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