Wednesday, May 01, 2002

I did a web-chart of ideas for the personal essay. If you ask me, I really don't think there is enough content to answer the questions with a minimum of 150 words. Interesting enough, my college goals have changed some. Instead of wanting exposer for personal gain (i.e. headlining galleries in NYC), my goals have become more social based. The one that surprized me the most when I wrote it down was the one involving more experiance in a team effort. In most if not all group projects, I ended up taking the reigns if I wasn't holding them to begin with. Yeah, as much as I liked that leadership role, I just didn't like the fact no one would challenge me and throw ideas at me. I'll save that in a more propor and less slang-ish rant for the essay later.

After drawing up that ill fated map, I pulled out my year book for some reason. I didn't know what that was at the time, but as soon as I opened the cover, I found out. The signatures. Some from people I had almost forgoten about, some I don't even remember, and some whom I will never forget. Wish I could read their signatures now, but at least I was able to read the messages. Towards the end, I was starting to fear that I never got Chris's signature as I learned that I didn't get everyone to sign it. Chris means alot to me. He was the only one I actually opened up to and told everything to. And I mean everything. I could trust him, and I knew he'd never tell any secret I told him. He would always tell me that he'd have nothing to gain from gossiping anyway, so why do it? Then, on the last page in the lowest cornor, there is was. The pinnicle of all those little messages about how they loved my art and how they enjoyed learning about me and getting to know me and how the wish they had more time to do that. All the best wishes and "good luck"s leading up to that little message.

I never really knew how much support in my art that I had untill now. Everyone knew I was going to be an artist. They knew that I knew what I've wanted to be long before they knew what they wanted to be. They watched my tallents grow, the ones that knew me from when I first moved. They saw my trails and knew what I had to deal with. A few even saw things I didn't even know was in me. Kind of strange. Here I thought throughout high school I had no one but outcasts and misfits. Looking at those signatures today made me realize something. I had more than I knew. Alot more.

Everyone is expecting me to be big and famous and successful in the future. Who am I to let them down?

Now where did I put that web-chart?

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