Wednesday, May 01, 2002

I can't do it!! I just can't do it!

I got no more than about 5 sentances into the first paragraph, and I already started hated it. Grammatical errors left and right, spelling mistakes. And overall? It sounded like I was sucking up to their butts! "Why did you pick DigiPen? Cause you guys offer a course no one else does; cause you're cheaper." How anal can you get?

I know that this essay is suppose to be hard, but come on! Blogging is one thing. Here, I can say whatever the fuck I want and if people are offended by it or agree with it, that's their choice! I'm just publicly beatting out my frustrations or airing my mind like it was dirty laundry out to dry. But this? This is suppose to impress a College Board of Directors? It doesn't even impress me right now, and I'm only 5 sentances in!! If you want to capture someone's attention, especially someone important, you have to get it by being out there and actually getting it. That's what gets your foot in the door they tell me. How the hell I am going to do that with this essay, I have now clue.

The (personal) deadline has been extended to Monday. By then, Mother acting on behalf of me and mostly on her dellusions will have gathered all the needed offical items minus the transcripts of grades. They send those directly to the college. Still, alot can happen over the weekend. The 40 freashmen cap could be filled like that.

Now how am I going to make this web-chart turn into a formal essay good enough to impress the DigiPen Admission Board?

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