Sunday, October 19, 2003

What the hell is wrong with this picture?

Okay, I'm in college. Work is suppose to be hard and take up most of my time. I've been sleeping the better part of my time away in between work loads. The work is suppose to be three hours long in itself, but I find myself finishing it just under that time frame. I sleep for two hours between each load max. That's about five hours or so. I have five full classes, so in theory I should be bordering insomnia.

Why am I not?

Work seems way too easy, for one. I am not really concerned with two out of five of my classes. I don't know how to do the work for one of them. And the other two classes left on the list are just big reviews for me. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which classes I'm talking about.

So is this normal? No.

So why is it that everything got so easy so fast to the point where I'm starting to feel like I'm in high school again?

I don't know. I bet I am analyzing this way too much. I have really got to learn how to just live and let live.

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