Sunday, October 26, 2003


Remember that story I blogged about so-many days ago? The one that I said would take the shape of another blog and continue until I felt it was time to end it?

Well, the more I think about that idea, the more I start to notice that it mirrors something that I've been trying to do for an assignment. The hardest assignment I have had in a long time. You know the one I'm talking about. The personal narrative on my Creative process.

How does my story idea mirror the assignment?

The story revolves around my internet self, my alter-ego, and an old character of mine that I abandoned temporarily. Yes, I am talking about the one and only Zeek Slider. The stories also involve a theme of trying to belong and searching for that place. I never really felt like I belonged anywhere really, so I create little bubbles of imaginary worlds to live in. The thing is these worlds are nothing more than my fan boy side coming out. Bayville from X-Men: Evolution; the world of Pokemon; the streets of Yu-Gi-Oh; the planet of DragonballZ. I'd actually be writing one big FanFic! It is not that I do not like writing FanFics. It is just writing a FanFic was not the assignment.

I don't know what to do for this assignment, and it is due next class! What am I going to do?

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