Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Blogging From the Library Computer

Wow! This is so out of character it is not even funny! I am actually in the library doing something for a class! Okay, so maybe blogging doesn't really count unless you count the fact that this blog is my journal for two classes of mine.

It's oddly quiet. Most libraries are. I mean, have you ever heard of a noisy library? I know I haven't. Still, I'm not used to this kind of silence where just the keyboard is making all the noise and nothing else. It's a nice change, yeah, but it still bothers me.

I frankly know this is how it is going to be like if I can ever get my ass down to the downtown library. Big rooms with nothing but books and just as quiet. The thing is that I do not like about libraries are the fact that I have to keep quiet a good portion of the time. I also find it odd that the libraries these days have the shoplifting detectors that CD stores have. People are stealing books from the library?! Do they have nothing better to do?

I will say this about the library in its defense. There are more resources here than there are on the internet. I reason I say this is mostly due to my Art History project. I am doing a project about pilgrimages, and for some bizarre reason Google thinks I am looking up stuff for Thanksgiving or for some kind of religious pilgrimage tour group. The library is the only place left for me to go to for information.

I wonder if the Religious Studies section of a library in the middle of the Bible belt has other religions in it. I would be really disappointed if all they had in that section were stuff about Christianity.

I also find it strange that our internet here at Watkins is still running Win98. Oh well, whatever works.

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