Tuesday, October 28, 2003

She makes me think, and I like that!

Every since I turned the big one-eight, I never really saw a need to register to vote. I was told that I was better off not doing so, mostly because it was a solid way of getting out of jury duty. My reason is because I never really saw any kind of promising politician running. I mean, why vote for someone I don't feel can do the job? Sure, I could vote for the lesser of the two evils, but what would that accomplish if I felt that neither one could do the job in the first place?

Then Jaime told me something that made me think. It appears that it really isn't the person that I should be voting about, but the issues. You aren't voting on people you think can do the job, but rather where they stand on the issues at hand. If they promise to deliver some kind of solution that you like and do not deliver, you can voice your disappointment by voting. This seemed like a distant concept to me, mostly because I never had anything directly affect me. Recent events have changed all that.

Sooner or later, I will end up being one of the millions out there needing money from the government because my art program got the axe. Sooner or later, I am going to have a child go to a school who cannot even tell me what the Civil War was about other than slavery (I know I can't.). Sooner or later, I am going to be old and want to retire, but will be unable to because Social Security may be down the toilet.

The mind set is there. It is just a matter of time now before the opportunity presents itself.

Crap, this means I have to watch the news again! I hate watching the news. There is nothing but bad news on.

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