Saturday, September 06, 2003

Time for a Change

I thought now would be a good time for a change in the blog. Actually, it's long since overdue since I was planing on changing everything once I got into college. I guess I'm about three weeks behind on that project.

Anyway, as you can see, my front page has more blogs now on display. It's to balance out the number of links I have on the new side bar. I also got rid of my old nickname thing. I figure I might as well use my real name instead. I mean, it's not like I'm famous or anything, so why should I hide who I am? Okay, so maybe I'm kissing that internet annonimity away. So what? It's not like I have credit card numbers flying around. Also, you can see I have a few adult links set up. I might as well separate the good from the bad as far as my links go from the old blog. I also added a few new ones in there that I have been meaning to ad.

Like the title option? I just found it. Now if I have a title for something, I can type it in now! I think that's cool.

Anyway, enough of that. I need to figure out how to conquer this Creativity assignment.

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